Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Regional SPB officers elected in Baguio

The 41st Regional Senior Planning Board Officers were elected on the last night of the 40th Regional SPB Conference, held in Baguio City, September 7, 2007.

The election was done through secret votation of 84 registered participants who were also officers in their respective councils here in Southern Luzon.

The newly elected officials will be the ones to facilitate the next conference, probably on September next year. These ladies were:

Chairman: Loren S. Fesalbon (Oriental Mindoro)
Vice-Chairman: TAGALOG- Arby Jane Maravilla (Quezon)
BICOL- Marie Grace Tang (Camarines Norte)
Secretary: Ma. Camille D. Bausas (Batangas)
Asst. Sec.: Juniel Laine B. Silva (Lipa City)
Treasurer: Mary Anjanette T. Fabelico (Laguna)
Asst. Treas.: Amele Amor V. Alcantara (Aurora)
P.R.O.: TAGALOG- Denise Helen Yang (San Pablo)
BICOL- Gem Rodriguez ( Naga)
Chairman-elect: Faith Hernandez (Palawan)

These girls are expected to meet with Mrs. Rebecca T. Basanes (Tita Reby), the Regional Executive Director of Southern Luzon, for the plenary of the next event.

SL holds 40th RSPB Conference

Southern Luzon held its Regional Senior Planning Board Conference at Ating Tahanan National Training and Program Center in Baguio City which was participated by 84 SPB officers and 17 advisers from councils of the region, Sept. 5-8.

The Regional Executive Director, Mrs. Rebecca T. Basanes, said that Baguio is the most attractive venue for girls of any age, and it is the perfect time to have this undertaking.

On the3 first day, the ladies were asked to interpret the theme, “Many but One, Move, Make a Change,” through poster making, a song or dance number wherein they were able to express their thoughts and flaunt their talents.

Also, on the second day, the Vice-Chairman of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines National Communications Committee, Dr. Paz Diaz discussed advocacy and its significance; afterwards the girls were given activities such as identification of major and minor problems in their councils.

Moreover, they were taught of right etiquette and social graces during a fine dining or a party.

The third day was a wonderful day of adventure because they were given the privilege to roam around the City of Pines. On the other hand, workshop on SPB initiated projects, action planning, and introduction of the 7 Key Messages were done on the same day.

In addition, an election of Regional SPB Officers was witnessed during the last night of their stay, and another session on responsible adulthood the following day by Judge Marybelle Marinas, Chairman of National Legal Committee of GSP.

The closing ceremony had been very emotional. Some couldn’t help but shed tears. They bid farewell and went back home safely, taking with them all the know-how from the 4-day conference together with the big responsibility as young ladies of their councils.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hello girls!

How's school pretty ladies? uhum..truly,each of us maybe
getting busier and busier in our respective schools but
please do find time for our blog site. You too can help us update this site.
How? You may send us your articles, essays, poems or compositions with regards
to latest happenings in your councils. You may submit any reports to our add, gspsoutherntagalog@gmail.com or to one of our editor's adds, camille_bausas@yahoo.com.
We're looking forward to your articles to be posted here. thanks and God bless!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fear of Failure

You hesitate to try new things because you are afraid to fail and get rejected. You feel pressured by others to do YOUR best and you don't want to disappoint the people who are counting on you. You don't like it when people criticize you and you are very careful not to make mistakes. Thus, you tend to shy away from social situations. you freeze when you have to talk to a lot of people and you hate dealing with strangers. You prefer to stay with small groups of people whom you are already comfortable with. Don't deprive millions of people around the world from getting to know the real you.

Turn to Me, Only better section and Shine on!


Anxiety of Inadequacy

Fear Phrase:"I'm not good enough!"
Fear Buster: Don't be afraid to make mistakes. many times,you feel pressured by your parents, teachers, and friends to do your best that you become so afraid to let them down. When you strive to achieve your goals, do it for yourself. If you're going to study for a test, do it because YOU want to succeed and NOT because you want to please others. The sooner you realize you can learn from your mistakes, the sooner you'll be able to get over them. remember every failure is a chance to improve yourself.

Start making up for yourself! Do what you think would make mirthful and eventually changes would come your way for a better YOU!!!


A Friend to Remember...

When I'm all alone, you're always there for me.
When I feel so down, you always comfort me.

Whenever I need help, you're lending me a helping hand.
Now, I can say that for me, you are a friend.

Though there are times that we are having arguments,
still we are best of friends...

I cherish every moment that we are together
For I will never forget the moments we've shared together.

I thank you for being such a good friend of mine.
And I am hoping that this friendship will last if not forever
at least for a lifetime...


Saturday, June 02, 2007

yOur miSsiOn giVes youR liFe meAninG..

If I Were A Voice by Charles Mackay

If I were a Voice – a persuasive Voice –
That could travel the wide world through
I would fly on the beams of the morning light
And speak to men with a gentle might
And tell them to be true.
I’d fly; I’d fly o’er land and sea,
Wherever a human heart might be,
Telling a tale, or singing a song
In praise of the Right – in blame of the Wrong.

If I were a Voice – a consoling Voice –
I’d fly on the wings of the air;
The home of Sorrow and Guilt I’d seek,
And calm and truthful words I’d speak,
To save them from Despair.
I’d fly; I’d fly o’er the crowded town,
And drop like the happy sunlight, down
Into the hearts of suffering men,
And teach them to rejoice again.

If I were a Voice – a controlling Voice –
I’d travel with the wind;
And whenever I saw the nations torn
By warfare, jealousy or scorn,
Or hatred of their kind,
I’d fly; I’d fly on the thunder crash,
And into their blinded bosoms flash;
And all their evil thoughts subdued,
I’d teach them a Christian Brotherhood.

If I were a Voice – an immortal Voice –
I’d speak in the people’s ear;
And whenever they shouted “Liberty”
Without deserving to be free,
I’d make their errors clear.
I’d fly; I’d fly on the wings of day,
Rebuking wrong on my world wide way,
And making all the Earth rejoice –
If I were a Voice – an immortal Voice.

If I were a Voice – a persuading Voice –
I’d seek the kings of Earth;
I’d find them alone on their beds at night,
And whisper words that should guide them right,
Lessons of priceless worth.
I’d fly more swift than the swiftest bird,
And tell them things they never heard –
Truths which the ages for aye repeat,
Unknown to the statesman at their feet.

Friday, June 01, 2007

QuOtabLe quOtes!!!

"There is something that is much more scarce, something finer far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability."

"To lead the people, walk behind them."

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation."

"By doing well the duty which is nearest to us, the duty which is in our hands now, we make ourselves stronger; and improving our strength in this manner step by step, we may reach a state in which it shall be our privilege to do the most coveted and honored duties in life and in society."

"The ability to lead change is in our hands now!!"

(Jennel Vinica M. Tejada, Techno Patrol)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Plans to be Taken in Action...

Tagalog Region is known to be a domicile of several sprouting Girl Scouts. When it comes to facilities or venues for different activities, ours has tons. For years, many members of the movement have been actively participating in every event for scouting. Also, leaders have been products of this region.

Nevertheless, speaking of the location, transportation hasn't been that easy. Some has to cross over the sea. The communication has improved a lot though. However, the number of girls interested to join the movement here is fluctuating and this is one of the problems that we want to solve.

Leaders of the organization in our region have compiled ideas they would want to work on upon knowing this unwanted dilemma. In doing the Action Plan, they agreed to have a Membership Campaign as an answer for the decreasing number of Girl Scouts for the reason thet these ladies have been turning their back, leaving the GSP and have prefered to become 'roverettes', joining the Boy Scouts wherein they are as though their 'personal assistants' and so they seem to be 'scouts with no voice and own stand in the society'...

The campaign aims to encourage more girls to join the said organization to strenghten and promote the movement. Furthermore, a motorcade was proposed as well which will take place simultaneously in every district. A showcase of projects which were accomplished is also expected to be done in each council. This is to show make everyone aware that we, as Girl Scouts have a lot of things to contribute and have contributed in the community and society likewise. They have also thought of ways on how to make every activity in scouting more vibrant and spectacular.

With these, everybody is already looking forward for the triumph of plans passed on to the board. But, we must remember that without everyone of us these won't be made possible . We,the leaders are counting on your support. Let's prove that all of these are really to be taken in action.


Hooray, Southern Luzonians!!!

A city reaching the sky had been a home for five days of 15 young ladies representing their respective councils in Southern Tagalog. A rainy morning astounded them as they arrived at Ating Tahanan, venue of the National Senior-Cadet Conference which was participated by other Girl Scouts all over the country as well.

Ating Tahanan at Baguio City..

"Lead the Change-Uplifting Young Women's Potentials to Break Boundaries and be Effective Leaders" was the theme of the said event. There were sessions attended wherein the gals were the ones to choose where they would go to that really gave excitement to them.

The first day was tiresome because of the 7-hour-travel from Manila. This was a day of 'getting to know each other'. The said event was jam-packed with challenges and surprises. There was also a city trip wherein we had our 'bonding moments' as we bought 'pasalubongs' and as we explore Baguio, the City of Pines! It was rainy though... The last day was great, but the closing ceremony was very dramatic. Everyone shed tears as we bade farewell to one another.

On the other hand, 2 Batanguenas were members of the staff for the conference. They were Teesha Catherine R. Banta and Angelica M. Sune. Their dedicated service for scouting was really one of a kind, and for that I salute the two of them!

The Staff..

Moreover, the ladies from our region who participated dynamicly in the NSCC '07 were:

Diana Rose P. de Mesa- Aurora

Ma. Ehlla Macatangay- Batangas

Ana Monica L. Dayahan- Lucena City

Ma. Camille D. Bausas- Batangas

Jennabel C. Espineli- Cavite

Donna Joyce de Belen- Camarines Norte

Joyce Carino Chavez- Camarines Sur

Ma. Francia a. Perez- Camarines Sur

Roselle S. Hernandez- Laguna

Klarisse Amor C. Robles- Laguna

Sarah Mae E. Cabilitazan- Lipa City

Davian Elloiza L. Clemente- Marinduque

Joan Mae V. Mandigma- Quezon

Maria Gayveline D. Laygo- Oriental Mindoro

Jennel Vinica Tejada- San Pablo City

Queenie Janda- Marinduque

The participants of NSCC '07..

These girls are expected to share what they've absorbed from the conference in their councils. Girls, GOODLUCK!

HooRRraaYY Southern Luzonians!!!

(Ma. Camille D. Bausas, Techno Patrol)

Hallouer, Welcome!!!

Hello, everyone! Our warmest welcome to our site. GSP Southern Tagalog is a weblog aiming to get everyone's attention and make you updated of the latest happenings in Girl Scouting here in Southern Luzon. Now, you can easily get in touch and reach out to every other Girl Scouts in the region. Hope you're having fun visiting us here! For those who want their articles to be posted in this weblog, you can just send us your written work at our account gspsoutherntagalog@gmail.com.